After Imran Khan did it for ‘Dehli Belly’, it was Farhan Akhtar watch his recently released film ‘Dehli Belly’ film with the real audience at a Mumbai theatre. Farhan was quite excited before he went to catch the screening of the film and promised that he would post his experience on Twitter. And he did just that, Farhan said, “Such a treat to see ZNMD with the audience as they react to each beat, funny or emotional. Overcome with joy and love for all of them.”
Well, watching your film with the real critics that is the general public and then they reacting on each and every scene gives you a different high altogether definitely. And we are sure Farhan must have experienced just that. But this is not the first time in Bollywood that stars have done that. Vivek Oberoi, Shahid Kapoor, Abhishek Bachchan, Imran Khan and now Farhan Akhtar, all have done that and will continue to. So be alert, next time you could find your favourite star sitting right next to you.
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