Arbaaz who played ‘Chulbul Pandey’ Salman Khan’s not-so-smart brother ‘Makkhi’ in the blockbuster flick ‘Dabangg’ that created history at the box office will not be acting in its sequel. The director of the original film Abhinav Kashyap has been replaced from the film and now Arbazz will helm the project. Now, to concentrate on his duties as a producer-director, Arbaaz has decided not to act in the film.
Arbaaz is extremely passionate about this film that got him a new recognition post his down-trotted career in Btown and wants to give his best shot to the sequel as the expectations have risen for the film to a very high extent.
Arbaaz reportedly also consulted his brother Salman to rethink on the resolution and Salman was all happy about what his brother had decided. Well, hopefully the film will live up to its expectations considering the amount of hard work and sacrifice Arbaaz is putting into it.
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