Allu Arju who is busy with the movie Badrinadh as of now will be acting in a film directed by Trivikram Srinivas and this movie is expected to start after the Movie Badrinadh is completed.
And buzz is that Bunny is also going to act in a movie directed by 7/g brindhavan colony director Sri Raghava who directed brilliant movies like aadu vari matalaku ardale verule and yuganiki okadu and sruthi haasan is acting as the female lead in the movie.
But there is no exact time frame for the movie to start its because sri raghava is busy with kamal haasan movie Viswa Roopam a high budget movie as of now ,this movie is being made both in Tamil and Telugu and is expected to start in Canada as soon as possible and Bunny movie will be starting after this movie.
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