

Sivakarthikeyan is undoubtedly cruising high in Kollywood with success stories back-to-back. The actor is currently working on 'Maan Karate', and has one more lined up with Sri Divya next. But there is one disappointment that refuses to leave the actor. Though he has not been seen talking about it all along, he recently came out with it in an interaction. "I missed the chance to work with Ajith" says Siva. Rewinding to 2008, Siva recollects an offer he received from the makers of Thala's 'Aegan'.

"I was offered a role in 'Aegan'. I was supposed to don the role of a spy in the film. But later, due to some reason, the character was removed from the story, and thereby my opportunity to work with Ajith. Although I am glad and thankful for the opportunities I receive now, that one is a small disappointment that is hard to get over" says Sivakarthikeyan.

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